Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week 27: Finding Meaning in My Work

I feel like I am finally settling down and finding meaning in my work. I am the self-designated librarian at my school. There are fourteen classes who each have an assigned library time. With the standard one students we sing the alphabet, do our numbers, colors, shapes, and other fun things like that. Although they understand approximately ten percent of what I say, their smiles and enthusiasm are priceless and motivating to me. With the older grades I have them read to me in English, which can be like pulling teeth, but in my mind I am helping the students unlock a larger world and I love it. Who knows that they are thinking, but it is probably not quite the enlightenment that I have in mind. However, I think we are capable of creating our own reality and that is the reality I have created for myself and since it does not appear to be harming anyone I will continue to believe that.

Just when I feel like I am getting comfortable something throws me for a loop like the electricity going out, I wipe out while doing yoga (I did not realize that was possible, but now I have the bruises to show that it is), or my shoe breaks in the middle of the day at work. Life in Moshana is a constant roller coaster, but as of now I am enjoying the ride.

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