Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week 26: Day in the Life

Wake up at 6am empty my pee bucket, I couldn’t decide if this was too much information and in the absence of a second opinion, I opted to include this since it is a regular part of my life here that I do not even give a second thought to, but was very strange for me when I arrived the pit latrine is not to be used after dark. I then fill up my water storage containers. Make metogo (a soft porridge made of sorghum meal), bath, read a bit of Pema Chodron on meditation, and walk to school. Make my rounds of hellos. Remind a teacher it is her library time, she does not appear. Remind other teachers of ongoing projects. I then do a bit of typing for the guidance and counseling department, of which I am a part of. Then go to the kgotla for a men’s sector meeting/presentation on multiple concurrent partners, safe sex practices, and safe male circumcision. Before attending the meeting I make my rounds of hellos at the police office and the agricultural office. Get a chair from the ag office and a friend who will hopefully translate for me. Arrive late to the meeting; my friend puts our chairs up front. My friend disappears, they talk about me in Setswana, but unfortunately all I catch is my name. Walk back to school in the torrential downpour because I have a class coming to the library, I have the students read to me one at a time in English. Lastly I have a meeting with my supervisor and counterpart at the school.

Go home for lunch its just after 2:30 at this point. Heat up some dikobe from the other day (beans and samp) and watch the first episode of Orange is the New Black. My landlady stops by informing me that the water will be off for the next couple of days. Walk around the community, run into friends here and there, am told I am fat, am told I am fit, am told I am a good African woman, everyone has a different opinion. Hear that one of my friends is going to go back to school I am very happy for her and another friend has enrolled in driving school, yay! Visit a neighbor to chat and encourage the kids to stay in school.

Back at home, I read, “Why America Slept” take pictures of the sunset and journal. Then settle into some lovely acai tea that was sent in a care package (thanks Ellen its delicious!) popcorn and another episode of Orange is the New Black, I guess I am hooked. Interrupted by my favorite neighbors who need help with their homework.

Every day is different, but this was my Thursday.

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