Friday, November 28, 2014

Week 67: Dr Tau o kae? (Where is Dr Tau?)

 November 17th-23rd

My annual dentist appointment rolled around this week and I left the village armed with the Dentist’s name and a rough hand drawn map that I could not make heads or tails of. Admittedly I was a bit irked with this minimal amount of information I was given and felt none of the control over my day that I so enjoy. The day started well as I got my favorite bus to the capital and the conductor assured me he knew where I was going and would help me get there, I rested easy for the next hour and a half. Then upon arrival to the bus rank he directed me to the combi I needed. Just to be sure, I double checked with the combi driver to see if his was the right route, he then directed me to another combi, promising that that one was better. A slew of other kindly strangers and combis later I was headed out of the rank sitting next to the combi driver who reassured me he knew where I was going, this was more than I could say for myself and I decided to trust him. Fifteen minutes into the route he asks me where I am going and before I lose my cool, I remember that I really haven’t the faintest and I can’t be angry with him for also not knowing, despite his earlier promises. A few minutes later I decide to get off when I see a sign for a dentist, in hopes it will be mine. As it turns out it was not, but the lovely ladies at the office did know my dentist and my map made perfect sense to them. I left their office armed with a phone number (which I didn’t have before) and a sense of gratitude for all of the people who helped me along the way, even though they did not have to. Even down to finding the right building in the complex and the office when I was in the building, there were friendly faces helping me along. Countries are made up of many individuals but by and large I have found Batswana to be very helpful and willing to assist a stranger, as one of those strangers, I am very grateful. As it turned out I have a cavity and thus have the privilege of making this trek again in two weeks, as fun as it was, I do hope it is a bit simpler next go around, maybe I can even give someone directions to pay it forward.

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