Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 31: Happy Commonwealth Day!

Happy Commonwealth Day! Commonwealth Day is the second Monday of March and is celebrated in 53 countries around the world. The commonwealth is headed my Queen Elizabeth II of England. At Modisi Primary School we celebrated by each grade level performing songs and dances, I gave a speech, and then the kids did a variety of sporting activities.

Later in the week the Psychology club from the University of Botswana came to Modisi to lead a workshop on effective teaching methods for the teachers. The purpose of the club is to engage the students with rural communities and provide a practical application for the material they learned in class. One of the guys in the club is from Moshana and I am hoping he will continue to be involved at Modisi and encourage the students to take their education seriously.

Peace Corps Botswana has a committee “Peer Support and Diversity Network” which I applied to and this week I found out that I have been selected for.  The main purpose of this group is to offer mental health support to other volunteers. Mental health is a passion of mine and I am extremely excited for this opportunity.

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