Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 14: Lesegggggggggggggooooooooo, Welcome to Africa

I like to run to keep myself centered, have a little alone time, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. This also happens to be the kids favorite thing “Ya a gyma?” I have learned to appreciate this and no longer anticipate alone time. I now envision myself as imparting healthy habits which will build a foundation for good life choices. Now that may be a stretch but besides my alone time being compromised I cannot think of a downside to the kids running with me. There was one day this week where I felt like I could get away with taking a new route and have a little time to myself. I turned off the main road and started dodging low hanging branches enjoying a moment to myself when my thoughts were interurrupted by 13 children screaming my name “Lesegggggggggggggoooooooooooo” and running at full speed towards me. It started with three or four and kept multiplying as everyone heard the news, Lesego is approaching. The humor of the situation was not lost on me and by the time the kids met up with me they had already succeeded at melting my heart, how could I be angry with so many happy faces that were excited to see me, impossible.

My other favorite tidbit of this week involved a sun soaked kgotla meeting. The kgotla is a stone walled structure with no roof and thus as one is sitting in the kgotla you are exposed to the sun. After a warm meeting I stepped outside and was exchanging my cardigan for a lighter scarf and my new friend was walking past and all he said was “Welcome to Africa.” This cracked me up and I could not help but agree cardigans are not a great idea in Africa.

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